
Planning Your Will

We make the process of drafting your will efficient and inexpensive. We have seen many wills from online vendors that are not properly drafted or improperly witnessed so we make our will package pricing competitive to online vendors in an effort to ensure our clients have a properly drafted document that is executed in the presence of a licensed Connecticut attorney. Included in our flat fee will package is a Power of Attorney and Living Will. When you leave our office you will have peace of mind knowing that if something happens to you, your loved ones will have what they need to manage the process of your estate.

Take Care of Your Loved Ones

It’s important to leave behind an easy and straightforward will for your family and loved ones upon your passing. This helps ease the grieving process as your family won’t have to wry and argue over your assets. If you have children or pets, it helps protect the welfare of them by naming a guardian and providing financial plans to support them. Along with your estate plan, you can establish your end-of-life issues like passing a family business and medical care. Taking the time to put a plan in place for these aspects of your life can help ease your passing for your loved ones. Dealing with loss is hard enough without ensuing legal battles and working on distributing property, assets, and valuables.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Appointment

The team at the Law Office of Yona Gregory is here for you to discuss planning your will. We’ll help you establish your wishes upon your passing. With our legal help, the process is easy and concise. Call our office today to get started with your estate and will planning.

Hire The Law Office of Yona Gregory for your Estate Needs